Under a blue sky...marry me in blue !

Blue.bleu.aqua.tuquoise.sea.sky.ocean.....the colors of blue are myriad and some of the most popular and well worn clothing of our times is blue...blue jeans and denim. Blue is a prized color historically with indigo dyes creating the source of much blue fashion. I like blue...actually I love blue. I wear it a lot, despite the fact it isn't my best color. Blue makes me feel centered. relaxed and confident. I'm not sure why :)

I like to make things in blue and seldom do, since most brides don't marry in blue...though they do incorporate blue into their bridal palette in the form of garters, pillows, ribbons, even lingerie. But blue is suc a lovely color to waste!

I think more marriages should happen in blue. I need to make more blue gowns. I did make one. Tis short, modern and relaxed....perfect for a wedding at the sea or a park under the trees. It would be perfect for a bridesmaid who didn't want a fussy gown. It is imminently re-wearable. For short gowns, I like the concept of ruffled lace lingerie style shorts or a simple frilly hem slip peeking out the edges.

Did I mention blue ?

Spring is on the way !!

Spring is on the way...even if it's difficult to believe in the midst of winter's rough wind and cold. I have been working on spring and summer fashions for my shops and am busy immersing myself in a fresh palette of palest pinks, ecru and pale golds with bits of nude, creme brulee and of course creams and whites. Whites are unique in that there are so many shades of white. Cream, ivory, cool white, blue white, tinted pastel whites, the variations are seemingly endless. This spring is seeing lots of buff and nude toned whites along with earth tones  and pastels of every shade. I'm focusing on greens and pale yellow tones as well.

That's it, a wrap up of the spring palette I've been peeking at all the autumn ! I'll keep you posted on news flashes on new color injections.

For now...spring is on the way.....spring is on the way.....spring...it really is coming!